Novacon 41 will be producing three progress reports, the first of which is being distributed to all members of Novacon 40, but you'll need to join Novacon 41 in order to receive the other two, plus the programme book and limited-edition souvenir chapbook. |
You can also download copies from here. They are in PDF format, so you will need Acrobat Reader® to be able to view them. You can download the latest version of Acrobat Reader free from the Adobe web site. |
 | Novacon 41 Progress Report #1 (April 2011) | |
Novacon introduction and programme news; Nova Awards update; membership list. Just click on the PDF symbol to open a link. |
 | Novacon 41 Progress Report #2 (July 2011) | |
GoH John Meaney's autobiography; programme and membership updates; founding chair Vernon Brown's memories of past Novacons; Christina Lake asks "Could an electronic fanzine win the Nova?" |
 | Novacon 41 Progress Report #3 (October 2011) | |
Chair's announcements; introduction to the guest of honour's novels; programme and hotel update; artshow and Nova Award news, Yvonne Rowse explains "Why I Love Fanzines"; latest membership list. |
Tip: to avoid opening the document directly into your browser window, click the PDF symbol with the right mouse button. On Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Netscape Navigator it will give you a pop-up menu, from which you should click "Save Target As...", "Save Link As..." or "Save Link Target As..." respectively. |