Nova Awards
In 1973, Novacon instituted the annual Nova Awards to celebrate achievement in British science fiction fanzines. Originally handed down by a panel of judges, these accolades are now decided by Novacon members who can demonstrate a basic knowledge of current fanzines. Following Novacon 32, the three categories - best fanzine, best fanzine writer, best fanzine artist - were extended to cover fanzines produced in Eire. In addition, electronic fanzines are now eligible, provided a copy is lodged with the current administrator, Martin Tudor. The following fanzines have been received by or brought to the notice of the Nova Awards administrator since 30 September 2009 and are considered eligible for the 2010 awards, presented at Novacon 40: - An Fleghes Hager-Na Yu Canjeo #1 [4pp], #2 [6pp; both A4 landscape], Doug Bell.
- download from efanzines.com/AFH/index.htm - Ansible #267 [10/09], #268 [11/09], #269 [12/09], #270 [1/10], #271 [2/10], #272 [3/10], #273 [4/10], #274 [5/10], #275 [6/10], #276 [7/10], #277 [8/10], #278 [9/10; all 2pp, all A4], Dave Langford, 94 London Road, Reading, RG1 5AU.
- download from news.ansible.co.uk/ - Banana Wings #40 [60pp], #41 [60pp??], #42 [60pp, all A5], Claire Brialey & Mark Plummer, 59 Shirley Road, Croydon, CR0 7ES.
- The Banksoniain #15, #16 [both 12pp, both A5], David Haddock.
- download from www.banksoniain.netfirms.com? - Brum Group News #458 [11/09; 12pp], #459 [12/09; 8pp, both A5], Rog Peyton for the Birmingham Science Fiction Group, 19 Eves Croft, Birmingham, B32 3QL.
- Concaternation v.20 #5 [online only], Jonathan Cowie.
- download from http://www.concatenation.org/whatsnew.html - Data Dump #144, #145 [both 4pp, A5], Steve Sneyd, 4 Nowell Place, Almondbury, Huddersfield, HD5 8PB. Also available for UK£0.70.
- The Doppelganger Broadsheet #3 [5pp, A4]; e-zine, available from Colin Langeveld at [jocol.langeveld@btinternet.com].
- The Fortnightly Fix #1 [2pp], #2 [4pp], #3 [3pp], #4 [3pp], #5 [3pp], #6 [4pp], #7 [2pp], #8 [3pp], #9 [3pp], #9.5 [1pp], #10 [8pp], #10.5 [2pp], #11 [3pp], #12 [2pp], #13, #14, #15 [all three 3pp; all issues A4], Steve Green, 33 Scott Road, Solihull, B92 7LQ.
- download from efanzines.com/FFix/index.htm - Griff #1 [31pp, A5], Ian Milstead, 7 Rudhall Grove, Manor Farm, Bristol, BS10 8AJ.
- Inca #5 [50pp, A4], Rob Jackson, Chinthay, Nightingale Lane, Hambrook, Chichester, PO18 8UH.
- iShoes #3 [28pp, A5], Yvonne Rowse, 23 Roach Road, Sheffield, S11 8UA.
- Journey Planet #5 [60pp, A4], James Bacon & Claire Brialey & Chris Garcia, 59 Shirley Road, Croydon, CR0 7ES.
- download from efanzines.com/JourneyPlanet/index.htm - Motorway Dreamer #7 (36pp, A4), John Nielsen Hall, Coachman's Cottage, Marridge Hill, Ramsbury, SN8 2HG.
- download from efanzines.com/MD/index.htm - Relapse #16, #17 [both 44pp, A4], Peter Weston, 53 Wyvern Road, Sutton Coldfield, B74 2PS. [#18 was distributed just after the cut-off point.]
- download from efanzines.com/Prolapse/index.htm - The Death of Fanzines Part Two [A4], Lilian Edwards.
The following have been distributed during the same period, but are ineligible under the current rules: - Argentus #9 [61pp, quarto], Steven H Silver, 707 Sapling Lane, Deerfield, IL 60015-3969, USA.
- download from efanzines.com/Argentus/index.htm - Chunga #16 [34pp, quarto], Randy Byers, Andy Hooper & Carl Juarez, 1013 North 36th Street, Seattle, WA 98103, USA.
- download from efanzines.com/Chunga/index.html - Journey Planet #4 [56pp, A4], James Bacon & Claire Brialey & Chris Garcia, 59 Shirley Road, Croydon, CR0 7ES. [Although paper copies of #4 weren't distributed until November, this was available online in July.]
- download from efanzines.com/JourneyPlanet/index.htm - Littlebrook #7 [24pp, quarto], Jerry Kaufman & Suzanne Tompkins, PO Box 25075, Seattle, WA 98165, USA.
- download from http://efanzines.com/Littlebrook/index.html - Small and Far Away [18pp, A4], Katrina Templeton
- download from efanzines.com/SmallAnd/index.htm - This Here... #13 [21pp, A4], Nic Farey, 3345 Cape Cod Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89122, USA.
- Trapdoor #26 [60pp; half-quarto], Robert Lichtman, 11037 Broadway Terrace, Oakland, CA 94611-1948, USA.
- Vanamonde #798 - #812, #833 - 837 [all 2pp, quarto], John Hertz, 236 S. Coronado Street #409, Los Angeles, CA 90057, USA.
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