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Novacon Art Gallery

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The first Novacon was held in 1971 by the Aston Science Fiction Group and intended as a one-off event, although this flyer jumps the gun somewhat by referring to "a whole new series of science fiction conventions".

Novacon's success led the nearby (and overlapping) Birmingham Science Fiction Group to take up the reins. This advertisement, designed by Bob Rickard, announced the friendly takeover to members of Chessmancon, the 1972 Eastercon.

Among the many artists now featured in Novacon's innovative "virtual artshow" is veteran British illustrator Terry Jeeves, whose fanzine Erg appeared regularly for more than four decades.

The Novacon bar, as visualised by Pete Lyon for the Novacon 11 programme book. The late, much-missed Bob Shaw (guest of honour that year, and again in 1995) can be seen far right, no doubt pouring himself a draught Guinness.

With both the writer and illustrator of the sf comic strip "The Tavern at the End of Time" aboard the Novacon 14 committee, it was probably inevitable that a couple of the regulars should turn up on the cover of that year's programme book. Artwork: Kevin Clarke.

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