Nova Awards: 2007 Results
Prolapse editor Peter Weston had barely collected his Nova Award for best fanzine - to go alongside the very first Nova, presented to Speculation back in 1973 - than GoH Charlie Stross handed him a third, for "best fan". This is the special category, occasionally presented by Novacon committees to someone with a special link to the convention.
Mark Plummer was named best fanzine writer and Alison Scott best fanzine artist. The full voting breakdown is as follows...
Best Fanzine: Prolapse, ed. Peter Weston (43 points); 2, Banana Wings, ed. Claire Brialey & Mark Plummer (38); 3, Tortoise, ed. Sue Jones (19); 4, iShoes (11); 5, Plokta (9); 6=, Gotterdamerung Redux, Procrastinations (7); 8=, Demeter’s Daughter, I Knew the Porridge Was Trying to Tell Me Something (5); 10=, Brum Group News, Fanzine of the Teledu (4); 12=, A Cry For Help, Foundation & Empire, Head, Outlaw Mutation Boogie (3); 16, Inca (2); 17=, Clues & Gropes, Motorway Dreamer, Phlizz (1).
Best Fan Writer: Mark Plummer (32 points); 2, Claire Brialey (30); 3, Peter Weston (19); 4, Yvonne Rowse (9); 5, James Bacon (8); 6=, Tanya Brown, Sue Jones (6); 8=, Julian Headlong, Tony Keen, Max (5); 11=, John Coxon, Mark McCann (4); 13, Giulia De Cesare (3); 14=, Abi Brown, Niall Harrison, Rob Jackson, Dave Langford, Ang Rosin (2); 19=, Tommy Ferguson, Flick, Christina Lake, Kari Maund, Doug Spencer (1).
Best Fan Artist: Alison Scott (26 points); 2, Sue Jones (19); 3, Sue Mason (17); 4, Anne Stokes (7); 5, Arthur "ATom" Thomson (6); 6=, Steve Jeffery, Pete Young (4); 8=, Peter Harrow, John Toon (3); 10, 11, Flick (1). [A single second-place vote for Taral in the final category was disallowed, as he is not resident in the UK or Eire.]
Best Fan (awarded by the Novacon Committee): Peter Weston.
A total of 30 ballot forms were received. Special thanks to Ann Green for taking over the count this year.
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