Nova Awards
In 1973, Novacon instituted the annual Nova Awards to celebrate achievement in British science fiction fanzines. Originally handed down by a panel of judges, these accolades are now decided by Novacon members who can demonstrate a basic knowledge of current fanzines.
Following Novacon 32, the three categories - best fanzine, best fanzine writer, best fanzine artist - were extended to cover fanzines produced in Eire. In addition, electronic fanzines are now eligible, provided a hardcopy is lodged with the current administrator at 33 Scott Road, Olton, Solihull, B92 7LQ, UK.
The following fanzines were received by the Nova Awards administrator between 1 October 2007 and 30 September 2008 inclusive, and were eligible for the 2008 awards, presented at Novacon 38:
- Ansible #243 [10/07], #244 [11/07], #245 [12/07], #246 [1/08], #247 [2/08], #248 [3/08], #249 [4/08], #250 [5/08], #251 [6/08], #252 [7/08], #253 [8/08], #254 [9/08; all 2pp, all A4], Dave Langford, 94 London Road, Reading, RG1 5AU (#255 appeared after the 30 September cut-off)
- download from www.ansible.co.uk
- Banana Wings #32 [32pp, A4], #33 [32pp], #34 [36pp], #35 [48pp, A5], Claire Brialey & Mark Plummer, 59 Shirley Road, Croydon, CR0 7ES
- Brum Group News #433 [10/07], #434 [11/07; both 12pp], #435 [12/07], #436 [1/08; 8pp, all A5], William McCabe for the Birmingham Science Fiction Group (issue #444 [9/08; 12pp], edited by Rog Peyton, was received after the 30 September cut-off but had been distributed prior to it)
- Motorway Dreamer #5 [34pp plus binding, A4], John Nielsen Hall, Coachman's Cottage, Marridge Hill, Ramsbury, SN8 2HG
- No Sin But Ignorance #47 [12pp], #48 [14pp, both A4], Claire Brialey, address as above
- Outlaw Mutation Boogie #65 [12pp, A5], Mark Plummer, address as above
- Plokta #38, #39 [both 14pp, A4], Steve Davies, Alison Scott & Mike Scott, 13 Collette Court, Eleanor Close, London, SE16 6PW
- Prolapse #9 - #11 [all 40pp], #12 [44pp, all A4], Peter Weston, 53 Wyvern Road, Sutton Coldfield, B74 2PS
- download from www.efanzines.com/Prolapse/index.htm
- Procrastinations #5 [20pp], #6 [16pp, both A5], John Coxon, 14 Chapel Lane, Peterborough, PE4 6RS
- download from www.efanzines.com/Procrastinations/index.htm
- Quasiquote #6 [20pp, A4], Sandra Bond, 40 Cleveland Park Avenue, London E17 7BS (issue #7 appeared after the 30 September cut-off)
- Quantum Bullocks #0 [A4, 2pp], Jinnie Cracknell, 100 Balsall Heath Road, Birmingham, B5 7NQ
- Virtual Tucker Hotel #1 [5pp], #2 [11pp], #3 [6pp], #4 [1pp], #5 [10pp], #6 [7pp], #7 [5pp], #8 [6pp], #9 [4pp], #10 [3pp], #11 [5pp], #12 [6pp], #13 [7pp], #14 [5pp], #15, #16 [both 4pp], #17 [7pp], #18 [6pp, all A4], Peter Sullivan (although primarily an electronic fanzine, paper copies are available upon request)
- download from http://efanzines.com/VTH/index.htm
The following fanzines were not received by the Nova Awards administrator, but appeared to meet the eligibity criteria (thanks to Mark Plummer and Claire Brialey for their assistance):
The following were also received between 1 October 2007 and 30 September 2008 inclusive, but were ineligible under the current rules:
- The Anatomic Air Review #4 [12pp, quarter-quarto], Sinoun Chea, Post Office Box 1602, Decatur, GA 30031, USA
- Beam #1 [26pp, A4], Nic Farey, Post Office Box 178, Saint Leonard, MD 20685, USA
- download from http://efanzines.com/Beam/Beam01.pdf
- Bento #19, #20 [both 48pp, quarter-quarto], David Levine & Kate Yule, 1905 SE 43rd Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97215, USA
- Chunga #13 [30pp], #14 [36pp, both quarto], Andy Hooper & Randy Byers & Carl Juarez, 1013 North 36th Street, Seattle, WA 98103, USA
- Data Dump #117, #121-125 [4pp, A5], £0.70 / US$2.00, Steve Sneyd, Hilltop Press, 4 Nowell Place, Almondbury, HD5 8PB
- Festival of Fantastic Films Progress Report Vol.19 #1 [8pp, A5], Tony Edwards for the Society of Fantastic Films (#2 arrived after the 30 September cut-off)
- Index [2pp, quarto], Nic Farey, PO Box 178, Saint Leonard, MD 29685, USA
- Journey Planet #1 [52pp, A4], James Bacon & Chris Garcia (produced during a programme item at Orbital, the 2008 Eastercon; an extensively revised version was later posted to eFanzines, but so far there has not been a paper release)
- download from http://efanzines.com/JourneyPlanet/JourneyPlanet01.pdf
- Littlebrook #6 [29pp, quarto], Jerry Kaufman & Suzanne Tompkins, Post Office Box 25075, Seattle, WA 98165, USA.
- No Award #17 [32pp, quarto], Marty Cantor, 11825 Gilmore Street #105, North Hollywood, CA 91606, USA
- download from www.efanzines.com/No%20Award/index.html
- Novacon 37 Programme Book [36pp, A5], Steve Green for Novacon 37
- download from www.novacon37.org.uk/prs.htm
- This Here... #9 [12pp, A4], Nic Farey, address as above
- Trapdoor #25 [60pp, half-quarto], Robert Lichtman, 11037 Broadway Terrace, Oakland, CA 94611-1948, USA
- Vanamonde #713-717, #723-737, #749-762 [all 2pp, all quarto], John Hertz, 236 S. Coronado Street #409, Los Angeles, CA 90057, USA
- Watershed #3 [16pp, quarto], Andrew Hooper & Carrie Root, 11032 30th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98125, USA
- Whistlestar #7 [46pp, quarto], Lenny Bailes, 504 Bartlett Street, San Francisco, CA 94110, USA
The following have been received since 30 September 2008:
- Ansible #255 [10/08], #256 [11/08], #257 [12/08; all 2pp, A4], Dave Langford, 94 London Road, Reading, RG1 5AU
- download from news.ansible.co.uk/
- Banana Wings #36 [56pp, A5], Claire Brialey & Mark Plummer, 59 Shirley Road, Croydon, CR0 7ES
- Data Dump #130 [4pp, A5], £0.80 / US$2.00 from Steve Sneyd, 4 Nowell Place, Almondbury, Huddesfield, HD5 8PB
- The Descent of Fan [10pp, A4] from Douglas Spencer, 5 Fountains Garth, Bracknell, RG12 7RH
- download from efanzines.com/Conversations/Descent_of_Fan.pdf
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