Membership Rates
Membership of Novacon 38 is currently £36.00, rising to £38.00 on 25 March 2008. This fee includes entrance to all programme items, discounted room rates and copies of all convention publications (including a numbered, limited-edition chapbook written by our guest of honour, Ian MacLeod).
Room Rates
Twin and double rooms are available at £38.00 per person per night. Although the Quality Hotel does not have single rooms as such, a limited number of larger rooms have been set aside for single accommodation, at £50.00 per night (please note that these will be allocated on a "first come, first served" basis, so we advise anyone requiring one to book as a matter of urgency). Rates include a full English or continental buffet breakfast (or a baguette from the bar if you miss breakfast), plus free on-site parking.
Joining Novacon
Please download the appropriate membership form and print it out. They are in PDF format, so you will need Acrobat Reader®. You can download the latest version of Acrobat Reader free from the Adobe web site.
Tip: to avoid opening the PDF directly into your browser window, click the link with the right mouse button. On Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Netscape Navigator it will give you a pop-up menu, from which you should click "Save Target As...", "Save Link As..." or "Save Link Target As..." respectively.
Once printed, please complete and sign your form(s) and return to:
379 Myrtle Road,
S2 3HQ,
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